Collection: Leather Dye and Paint

Product Selection

Selecting the correct product for your leather coloring situation is an easy 3 step process:

  1. Identify the leather (or vinyl) type from our Leather Identification page. Nubuck and suede have a characteristic nap. If the leather absorbs water readily and darkens, scuffs easily, or has exhibited substantial fading it is likely an aniline finish. This finish is similar to a stain - allowing natural markings and imperfections to show through. But, most leather has a top coat/protected finish. This finish will still show the grain but forms a coating on the leather -- like a paint. Dye colorant is used on top coat finishes and for vinyl. Aniline leathers may be refinished as a top coat finish or aniline.
  2. Select the color from our wide array of stock colors in our online color charts. Look up the color as appropriate in the furniture or auto color charts as referenced below.
  3. Select the product that matches your need. We suggest our popular Leather Recoloring Kit, it's the quick and easy way to get everything you need. If you still have questions on how to handle your particular problem, we have helpful sections in the online leather manual on Leather Dyeing.


Furniture Leather & Dye Colors

We have over 50 industry matched, pigmented dye colors that furniture manufactures are currently using. If we don't have your color, just fill out our custom color-matching form and send us a leather sample and we will match it for you.

View our Furniture Leather Dye Color Chart.

Auto Leather Dye Colors:

We have over 350 automotive interior color matches for your vehicle. These colors apply whether the interior element is the vinyl dash, plastic trim or leather seats. Just view our color charts to pick your color from the list and make your interior look new again!

View our Auto Leather Dye Color Chart.

Aniline and Nubuck Leather Dye Colors

Just select one of our 18 transparent dyes and restore your leather back to the original shade and luster! Select the color on the product page Aniline Leather Dye.